QSMP.info Privacy Policy Effective date: July 8th, 2023. 1. Who are we? 1. I am William Jouot. For privacy queries, you can contact me at contact@qsmp.info. 2. What's the point of this policy? 1. It tells you what to expect when we collect your personal information via our website or otherwise. Please only use our service if you are completely happy with this policy. Generally, the policy covers only information provided to us. If you give personal information to other people, such as other websites, please check their privacy policies. 3. Might the policy change? 1. Yes. Please check it whenever you visit our website. We will assume you agree to the new version of the policy if you use the site after its effective date. 4. What do we collect? 1. Automated information about your use of our service such as: the internet protocol (IP) address used to connect your device to the internet, connection information such as browser type and version, information about your device including device-type, operating system and platform, the site from which you arrived at our service, details of your activity with date / time stamps including pages you visited. 5. What's our reason / legal basis for collecting the information? 1. Because it's in our "legitimate interests", e.g., to manage and improve our service including tracking usage patterns and preventing or detecting fraud or abuse. 6. How long do we keep personal information? 1. We will generally keep automated browsing information for up to 18 months. 7. To whom do we send or make available your personal information? 1. To regulators, the police and other law enforcement authorities to help deal with fraud and abuse and/or comply with legal requirements. 2. To potential buyers so far as reasonably necessary, in the case of an actual or proposed (including negotiations for a) sale or merger or business combination involving all or the relevant part of our business. 8. Do we send your information outside the EU? 1. Your personal information which we collect is stored within the EU and is not transferred to any third countries except as follows. 2. Some of your personal information (e.g., IP, browsing information) may be transferred to the US to Cloudfare, which is used for protecting the website against DDOS attacks. 9. What rights do you have? 1. If the legal requirements are met: To ask us for access to your personal information, to rectify it if there are mistakes, to delete or restrict its use in certain circumstances or to "data portability" or to withdraw any consent you've given. 2. You may also have the right to object to use of your personal information in certain circumstances. 3. If you have a complaint about how we are dealing with your personal information, please contact us via the email address above. If you are not happy with our response or think we are not handling your personal information in accordance with the law, you have the right to complain to the data protection authority in your country. 4. For further information about your rights under data protection laws in the European Union, see: https://ec.europa.eu/info/law/law-topic/data-protection_en. 10. What about cookies? 1. We do not utilize cookies on our website.